

9M is non-partisan campaign, launched by committed citizens and organizations, which aims at increasing voter turnout and encourage voting in the upcoming runoff presidential elections.

Global Shapers were amongst the organizers and actively supported the campaign. Not only was the campaign a success, with a very active campaign in social media, including Facebook (, Twitter (, Instagram and Youtube (, but was also endorsed by companies and NGOs who donated advertising spaces. Information booths were also installed in more than 20 shopping centers around the country, to inform passers-by of how and where their voting center was located and emphasize on the importance of voting.

Global Shapers have been invited as speakers of 9M, to various media outlets in order to express their points of view on the importance of youth involvement in politics. Our Curator Aída Betancourt Simán was invited as a representative of 9M to many television and newspaper interviews and radio appearances, along with other Shapers such as Napoleón García, Ivette Contreras, Marlon Manzano and Eduardo Cader. And one of our Shapers, Ernesto Olmedo, designed the campaign’s website, where people interested in joining could download a Starter Kit to participate:

We achieved our goal: turnout increased almost 10%!!

We’re really excited with the reactions to 9M’s campaign, as it is consistent with one of our main projects “Pláticas del Pueblo”, which aims at overcoming polarization, by increasing citizen engagement and political participation.