

During this time in the 21st century, when knowledge and education can influence your entire life, it is also important to understand what the SDGs are. Global Shapers Jaipur Hub is proud to announce its latest initiative - ABC to SDGs, which will include a seminar/guest lecture about UN's SDGs for high school and college students to teach them about the SDGs, why they are kept in place, what the UN and countries around the world are trying to achieve with them.

The hub is planning to organize multiple sessions with different groups, including students of different classes from different schools, college students of different courses from different colleges and teachers.

After the session, the project team will share a questionnaire with participants to measure how their knowledge around the SDGs has improved. The hub will also seek input from participants on project ideas that they believe will make an impact in their city. In the future, the hub plans to organize projects around SDGs with the participation of students who attended the workshops.


The hub is collaborating with the UNDP’s Youth Co-Lab: Movers Programme, which will be supporting outreach, informative content and data for the sessions.