
Adopting A School

Problem statement:


Pitter-patter creche is in Dunoon, an informal settlement in Table View Cape Town with a population of over 30,000 people. Many of the people in this community live in cramped backyard dwellings and informal housing structures. This creche currently provides a day schooling program for 40-45 learners which includes meals, an education program, and after-school care. The school facilities currently have several infrastructure problems which include poor ventilation and lighting, no washbasins in the bathroom, worn-out roof and ceiling, and a carpet for the school.

 The school also has a poor attendance rate with learners not attending school in winter because the property is too cold or due to a lack of financial resources to pay for school fees. The school currently had a 44% drop out rate per year.

The financial management of the school requires assistance as the principal is currently funding the monthly shortfall for salaries and property maintenance.

The school is also in need of learning resources and material for the kids.

The teacher retention rate is also low with some teachers staying for an average of 4 months. Most of the teachers are leaving because of low salaries, long hours, and no growth opportunities. Some teachers are also not qualified but do receive regular training courses facilities by the department of education.


Proposed solution:



Our proposed solution for the school include:


Infrastructure: We will be renovating the school by redoing the roofing and ceiling, adding an insulator in the ceiling to help regulate the temperature in the school, adding washbasins, and fixing the lighting, gully, and repainting the wall.


We will also be providing learners resources and materials to the school.


Teacher development: We will be assisting with teacher training, development, and qualifications through partnering with the Department of Education and local NGOs that focus on early childhood development and training facilitators and teachers.


Learner retention: We will be starting a sponsor a child program that will allow the public to contribute monthly towards the education costs of a child. (School fees and other school costs)


Financial management: We will be assisting the school with financial management training and education to better manage the school budget and expenses.


Target group:

·       40-45 learners aged between 1-5 years old that are currently attending the school and their parents

·       School principal and teachers


Hub activities involved in this project:


        Renovating the school facilities by December 2021

        Running a literacy and resource drive for the school: collect books and learning materials for the school by February 2022

        Running a sponsor, a child program to raise funds to keep learners in school regular by February 2022

        Providing financial management course for school principal by February 2022

        Teacher training and development by June 2022


Short- and long-term goals for this project:


School property to be renovated to ensure that the facilities are conducive for learning, funds will be raised to sponsor a child through schools so that none of the learners miss school. Training for the principal in financial management to assist with better management of the school budget as well as to provide training to the teachers so the more equipped to support the academic development of the children.

The above will contribute towards sustainability at the school, the property will be well maintained, learners wont miss school and teachers will be more qualified. The retention of learners in school will ensure their minds are well developed at an early stage and can pass and progress and be educated and find employment opportunities and break the poverty cycle. Teachers will also acquire new skills and qualification, increased confidence and competence that will allow them to also access other teaching and educator opportunities.


How we will measure impact for this project:            

Funding: How much was raised to support this project

Infrastructure: School renovations done (what did we fix in the school), and resource and learning materials sourced for the school

Learner and education retention: Number of learners we sponsored, change in the retention rate for learners and staff, school pass rate (how many learners progressed to grade one)

Educator development: Number of teachers trained, qualification and training obtained, improvement in quality and standard of work

Impact achieved through the project:

School renovation is currently underway


SAAM, Department of Education, Local NGOs