
Amplifying XPAT Voices

Problem statement: Providing a platform for all migrant worker-related stakeholders to utilize and access direct migrant worker voice to substantiate claims pertinent to migrant workers in Maldives. Currently the expat monitoring systems work in fragment silos with little interoperability and there are significant hurdles in collection of meaningful and valid migrant data.

Description: Amplifying XPAT Voices aims to implement modern digital infrastructure that provides self-sovereign identity (SSID) to amplify the voices of migrant workers by ensuring anonymity and autonomy over their data. In doing so, it enables third-party social auditors as well as other stakeholders to make credible data-driven reports that can shape evidence based policies and frameworks for the labour force.

Target group: Migrant workers in Maldives.

Hub activities:

  • Partnering with an international public benefit corporation for the technological infrastructure required for the project. The hub is already in the process of formalizing a partnership with Bluenumber Foundation. (

  • Partnering with local NGOs working in close proximity with migrant workers

  • Introduce the platform to migrant workers in collaboration with local agencies

Short term goal:

  • Reach 50% of the foreign working population in the Greater Male' Area (approximately 25,000 workers as per census 2022) and onboard them into the platform

  • Utilize the platform to derive a database to check for compliance of migrant worker situation in Maldives as outlined by ILO standards

Long term goals:

  • Reach 100% of the foreign working population in the Maldives (approximately 129,000 workers as per census 2022) and onboard them into the platform

  • Use the data to enact legislative safety nets for migrant workers in Maldives

  • Collaborate with the relevant hubs, with the nationalities that are dominant in the Maldivian migrant work-force to establish an end-to-end data collection process (from the country of origin to workplace destination)


  • Migrant workers reached: ~25000 migrant workers targeted in the short term. ~129,000 workers in the long-term.

  • Cash: All migrant workers will be compensated for the data they create via the platform. Thereby, any data off-taker licenses it from them for their use. The total amount paid for all workers. This will be the price for the data packet.

  • Nation-wide recognition: The Ministry of Homeland Security approves it as a secure migrant tracking and safeguarding tool.