

Bini & Bink emerges as a response to Tangier's pressing issue: environmental degradation caused by careless waste disposal practices. With Tangier's landscape under threat, the initiative targets its residents, urging them to embrace responsible waste management practices and nurture a sense of environmental stewardship. Through the Bin+i & Bin+k ethos, the project aims to ignite a shared concern and duty towards Tangier's ecological well-being. Its approach involves inspiring mindful consumption habits and advocating for waste reduction measures, laying the groundwork for a sustainable urban future. Activities range from educational campaigns to community clean-up drives, all with the overarching goal of fostering a cleaner and healthier environment for present and future Tangierians. Short-term aspirations include heightened community awareness and engagement, while long-term visions encompass a transformed urban landscape teeming with eco-conscious citizens. Tracking progress involves metrics like participation rates in clean-up efforts, volume of waste collected, and the efficacy of policy advocacy initiatives. Collaborations span across local environmental organizations, governmental bodies, and field experts, uniting efforts towards a greener/aware Tangier.