
Bleed With Pride

It is an initiative by Imphal Hub to break the taboo associated with menstruation and periods. The project aims to help adolescents to maintain hygiene during menstruation and take care of oneself, break the taboos and societal stigma through an educational approach.

Adolescence girls and boys are the primary target group of the project. The proposed solution are :-

1. Conduct menstrual awareness focusing on - breaking the stigma and misconception on menstruation, healthy and hygiene management during menstrual period.

2. Distribute reusable sanitary pads.

The activity will include

1. Conduct menstrual sensitization in schools, public places and other relevant places etc.

2. Collaborate with other organization for safe and hygienic reusable sanitary pads.

3. Collaborate with Government Departments under BBBP program- Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (Save Daughters Educate Daughters) to maximize impact.

Through the proposed solution and activity, we aim to achieve short term goal to provide Better understanding of the what and why of menstruation, which improves/ease emotional stability during menstruation. The long term goal is to

-          Breaking the stigma and taboos around menstruation; open healthy discussion in social circles

-          Safe and hygienic management/practices during menstrual period.

-          No girl student stay absent in school/miss classes during and due to menstruation period.

Till date Imphal Hub have complete Completed 23 sessions, totaling 46 hours approximately. A total of about 8,150 students from 97 different schools have participated/covered by the above session. 10,000 units of reusable sanitary pads distributed, the recipients of it are still benefiting today.

Collaborators of the project are Deputy Commissioner, Imphal East- Govt. of Manipur; Deputy Commissioner, Tamenglong- Govt. of Manipur; Shashi Kiran Charitable Trust, New Delhi; MoonCatcher Project, USA.