
Business mind: Mental Health For Entrepreneurs

Mental health in entrepreneurs is a pressing issue yet remains a taboo topic, leading to stress, burnout, and difficulties in setting boundaries at work.

The project aims to support entrepreneurs and psychologists in Bulgaria. Entrepreneurs are the main focus, as they deal with unique stressors related to business growth, financial fears, and constant change. Psychologists are also targeted to help them understand and cater to the specific needs of entrepreneurs.

The project proposes an event named "Business Mind: Mental Health in the Entrepreneurial World" to take place on World Mental Health Day. The event will feature discussions between proven entrepreneurs and psychologists, focusing on the mental health issues faced in the entrepreneurial environment. The Sofia Hub organized the event on 10.10.2023 at WorkBetter. Featuring discussions led by renowned entrepreneurs and psychologists. Facilitating an exclusive Mastermind workshop by Nelly Zapryanova, a psychologist with expertise in corporate psychology. Hosting an informal networking event at FeelBetter after the main activities. Providing sign language interpretation for inclusivity.

- Short-Term Goals: To raise awareness about the importance of mental health among entrepreneurs. To establish an open dialogue between the entrepreneurial and psychological communities.

- Long-Term Goals: To de-stigmatize discussions around mental health in the entrepreneurial circle. To establish ongoing workshops and support systems for entrepreneurs facing mental health issues.

Project's available metrics? - Number of attendees (target: 50-80)

- Post-event survey results on how the event affected attendees’ views on mental health.

- Social media engagement metrics such as likes, shares, and comments.

Project collaborators, if any? - Yana Yaneva, business management expert; - 9Academy - Global Shapers Sofia - WorkBetter - Boris Bundev - co-founder of StraySheep for sign language interpretation. Website of the event: