
CDTM Elective: Responsible Leadership


Young girls need to be exposed to role models and empowered to choose careers in tech and entrepreneurship


Young girls in the age group 10-13, but additionally young potential social entrepreneurs


To multiply our efforts, we designed a 2 ects course for the entrepreneurial program CDTM for students to get both lectures on the latest research on gender equality and by practically develop a project together with a project partner. 


In addition to developing the course content by finding the right lecturers (5 input lectures) and reading material, we also wanted an hands-on implementation of the theoretical content. Therefore we collaborated with the three organizations: Female Tech Leaders (Coding School), Femtec (Girl Macht MINT - Girl do STEM) and HackerSchool to scale, redesign or improve their existing projects targeted towards girls in the age group 10-13 years old.


The 16 (5 male, 11 female) participants of the course gave all remarkable feedback regarding their biases and how to turn a societal problem into a social entrepreneurial project. All of the participants have directly become aware of their biases, how to do something about them at both an individual level and the larger societal level.
The girls who participated in the projects were empowered to code and break the stereotypes that we have for women in tech. 


All the projects were continued after the course and will continue to impact and empower young girls.

Additionally, inspired by this course some of the course participants initiated a diversity initiative within the CDTM organization, organized a larger bias workshop on International Women’s Day with 50 participants, an awareness campaign reaching over 10k people on social media and regular reflection sessions on diversity and bias for CDTM students. 


  • The project reached the 16 participants in the course

  • But also the 5 representatives from the organizations participated in the input lectures. 

  • The final number of girls who benefit directly from the projects that the course participants developed is estimated to be around 40-50 per semester.