
Changemakers Academy

Problem Statement

High school students across the globe lack direct access to inspiring changemakers who are attempting to solve humanity’s greatest problems.

Proposed Solution

The Changemakers Academy is a live digital course for high school students around the world, incorporating a case study method style of learning, to offer exposure to different types of activists focused on the most critical problems in our generation.


High School students in New York, across the United States, and globally.


The "Changemakers Academy" will curate a live a digital workshop series featuring world-class guest lecturers, starting with a focus on climate change. Our hope is to show students how activism can take many different forms — leveraging art, entrepreneurship, social media, and beyond. Our team will curate a global audience of young student activists and develop high quality case study curricula focused on diverse changemakers and their strategies to raise awareness on the issues relating to climate change.

Short-Term Goals/ Results

  • Secure four guest lecturers to co-host Changemakers Academy

  • Develop partnerships with 10 schools + student organization networks to curate a compelling NY-based and global high school student audience

  • Launch the first session of Changemakers Academy on January 15

Available Metrics

  • Number of students reached (target is 50 students)

  • Number of lecturers secured (target is 4)

  • Number of shapers involved

  • Number of sessions successfully completed by students


Yes - to be announced here soon. The project is currently in the outreach phase.