
Chukumuchu School Drive

Chukumuchu Primary School, located in the village of Chukumuchu, Botswana, faces a critical challenge in providing basic necessities for its student population of the school children. A significant portion of these students hails from families living below the poverty line, rendering them unable to afford essential items such as school uniforms, everyday clothing, and food from home. The evident correlation between the lack of these fundamental needs and its adverse impact on students' concentration in school is reflected in their academic performance. In 2023, the pressing issue is exemplified by 150 students attending Chukumuchu Primary School without proper school uniforms, often barefoot, representing marginalized communities that lack access to basic necessities. The school community recognizes the urgent need to address this predicament to ensure a conducive learning environment and enhance the students' overall well-being.

In response to the pressing challenges faced by Chukumuchu Primary School, the Gaborone Hub identified the school as a focal point within its thematic strategy icon. In an effort to address the immediate needs of the students, the Hub initiated a comprehensive drive aimed at providing essential support, particularly in the areas of school uniforms and winter clothing.

The primary objectives of this intervention were to promote equality and discipline, enhance safety measures, and instill a sense of pride among the student population. Recognizing the profound impact that proper clothing and basic necessities can have on a child's well-being and educational experience, the Gaborone Hub prioritized these aspects in their intervention.

The Hub's initiative extended beyond clothing to encompass the holistic needs of the students. In addition to donating school uniforms and winter clothing, the Gaborone Global Shapers provided essential items such as food and blankets. This multi-faceted approach aimed not only to address immediate challenges related to clothing but also to contribute to the overall welfare and comfort of the students.

By adopting Chukumuchu Primary School and implementing this impactful solution, the Gaborone Global Shapers demonstrated a commitment to fostering positive change within marginalized communities. Through their collective efforts, the Hub sought to create a more conducive learning environment and contribute to the well-being and future success of the students at Chukumuchu Primary School.


To achieve the above, here is our list of activities:

Public-Private Partnership Discussions:

● Purpose: Raise awareness on villages like Chukumuchu.

● Dialogue on Private Companies adopting a school student and supporting

a subject for a full education year.

● Engage key stakeholders to discuss collaborative solutions.

Public Drives for Child Poverty Awareness:

● Purpose: Increase public awareness on child poverty in Botswana.

● Conduct public drives to disseminate information.

● Foster a sense of community involvement and responsibility.

Five-Year Plan for Chukumuchu Village:

● Purpose: Develop a comprehensive plan for long-term improvement.

● Address issues beyond immediate needs, including infrastructure,

education, and community development.

● Involve community members, stakeholders, and experts in the planning


Fundraising Activities:

● Purpose: Secure financial resources for immediate needs.

● Raised a total of P74,000.00 in cash in this year.

● Collaboration with private companies, including Organic Naturals Skincare, Woolworths Botswana, Landmark, and Black Farbricks.

Student Support Initiative:

● Purpose: Provide direct assistance to students in need.

● Cash raised to support 154 students for school essentials such as shoes, bathing, and food.

● Private companies actively contributed to the success of the initiative.

Education Year Refurbishments:

● Purpose: Improve the learning environment for students.

● Plan for refurbishments in school classrooms and acquisition of educational materials.

● Coordination led by Project Lead Didintle Moreki.

Project Collaboration:

● Purpose: Enhance the impact of the initiative through collaboration.

● Collaborators included the Omphile Itomeng Foundation and Hope for the Future.

● Pooling resources and expertise for a more holistic approach.

Next Steps Planning:

● Purpose: Strategize for the upcoming Education Year.

● Consider ongoing needs and improvements in the school.

● Continue collaboration with partners for sustained impact.


Metrics for Evaluation:

Financial Metrics:

● Amount raised: P74,000.00.

● Allocation and utilization of funds for specific needs.

Participation Metrics:

● Number of private companies involved.

● Public engagement in awareness campaigns and drives.

Impact Metrics:

● Number of students directly benefited.

● Improvement in attendance and well-being of students.

Long-Term Planning Metrics:

● Progress in implementing the five-year plan.

● Community involvement and support in planning initiatives.

Collaboration Metrics:

● Effectiveness of collaboration with project partners.

● Contribution and engagement of collaborators in achieving project goals.

These metrics will help assess the success and impact of the activities, guiding future initiatives and improvements. With that, our short-term goals for 2023-2024 were to:

  • Provide shoes, hygiene essentials, and food for 154 students.

  • Ensure that students have the basic necessities to attend school comfortably.

  • Successfully raise funds, such as P74,000.00, for the initial phase.

  • Utilize these funds to address immediate needs and initiate planned activities.

  • Secure the commitment of private companies (Organic Naturals Skincare, Woolworths Botswana, Land Mark, Black Farbricks) for ongoing support.

  • Establish clear communication channels and agreements with corporate partners.

Our Long Term goals are:

Initiate the creation of a comprehensive five-year plan for Chukumuchu Village. Involve community members, stakeholders, and experts in the planning process.

The Project Lead is Didintle Moreki in collaboration with Omphile Itomeng, Ditihalo Mmusi and Hope for the Future are contributors to the project.