
Civic Engagement #UseYourVote

2019 was a Federal Election year for Canada and the Global Shapers Toronto Hub was eager to get youth engaged in our democracy. This year, the millennial voter demographic was the largest of all age groups and also predicted to be the most disengaged. We knew we had to do something so we worked together to host a 3 part project focused on youth voter engagement titled #UseYourVote.

Part 1: Candidates Debate

The Global Shapers Toronto in partnership with 100 Debates hosted a federal candidates debate in the Davenport Riding in Toronto. A riding in which many young people live and is known for changing parties from season to season. The Global Shapers decided to host the debate at a local brewery, a venue that would attract our target demographic. The debate had about 100 people attend, we reached capacity before it even started and we received coverage from Global News.

Part 2: Digital Campaign

Global Shapers TO coordinated an ongoing digital campaign that focused on educating young voters about where they could vote, how they could vote, and providing them educational resources. Our message was clear, if you don’t get to the polls other people will and they will be deciding your future for you. #UseYourVote

Part 3: Election Viewing Party

Global Shapers TO coordinated an election viewing party in partnership with Apathy is Boring a Canadian based non-partisan organization that focuses on educating youth about democracy. We had about 100 people in attendance and hosted the viewing party at a local co-working space.