
CREATE - Sticky Bits

We believe that a quality education should be a well-rounded one which is a balance between academic education and creative education. A perfect balance is only possible if children are exposed to various forms of verbal and non-verbal means of communication. Creative education aides in problem solving, spatial intelligence, interpersonal communication and team-work, however, it is a highly neglected part of the current education system. The Kolkata Hub conducts CREATE sessions using Sticky Bits, a biodegradable building block that is made of food grade materials. Sticky Bits are non toxic in nature and are non edible. Shapers incorporate Sticky Bits in different ways to bring out maximum value from each session.

  • Storytelling sessions that aide team work

  • Building an ideal world

  • Channeling creativity by making and breaking things

No two CREATE sessions are the same, we have had children create houses, trains, flowers and planes. We knew the power CREATE had, when a child once built a house like no other; one which was a flat plan with a single room, a bed and a dining table. Create gives a visual tool to dream and create using Sticky bits. The sessions we conduct with children are 1.5 hours long and help in inculcating various creative thinking skills like storytelling, team building, communication and confidence. These hands on workshops also help the young minds to express their imagination.


Initiated by the United Nations, the Global Goals for Sustainable Development include, Quality Education, Reduced Inequality & Good Health and Well-Being, which are the core areas of focus in CREATE sessions.

The impact we would like to make through the CREATE sessions:

  • Every child is creative & given the chance, they can create wonder

  • To provide the children an outlet their non-verbal communication

  • To help children fight PTSD & improve mental health

  • Exposure to the workshops will kick-start discussions around creativity between parent & child