
Crossing Rainbow Borders: Pride Panel

The Prague Hub is connecting people from the private sector and people who would like to see social change in terms of LGBTQ+ rights and visibility. Sometimes they are the same and now they would have a space to share their thoughts without the need to keep hiding. There are many times when you might feel the need to hide your love life outside of work because of fear or judgment from your clients or even colleagues. We would like to normalize being queer and career oriented.

We are at the start of the rainbow :) Our debut took place during Prague Pride 2022- second week of August. This first successful event resulted in:

65+ attendees

80+ registrations

rave reviews!

If you are a company or an individual that would like to be involved as a speaker or sponsor, let’s connect, there are many more events to come soon!

Crossing Rainbow Borders is an event combining both panel discussions about LGBTQ+ Expat life and networking with queerforce (queer workforce) and allies. In the times of remote work and impersonal communication through zoom calls or texts, we would like to create an officially acknowledged, open and inclusive space for a formal and informal gathering. Did you have struggles with feeling safe or setting up your new home here as a LGBTQ+ expat? What do you think of the opportunities that Czech Republic offers for foreigners? Is there anything you would like to keep or see change in the next few years?


Business in the front and party in the back? That is so 20th century. We don't want to hide, let's put OUT the party in the front too :)