
Cyber Maze

Problem statement: Citizens of Surat need to be aware about Cyber Crime so that they can be safe from Cyber frauds.

Target group: Initial target will be College students and local societies. Later on business professionals will be included.

Short-term solutions: Public awareness and education

Long-term solutions:

  • Cyber security Incident Response Plans

  • Public-Private Partnership

Short-term goals:

  • Promote safe online behavior, including the importance of strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and secure browsing habits.

  • Engage with community organizations and schools to educate young people about responsible online behavior and potential risks associated with the internet.

Long-Term Goals:

  • Encourage businesses and organizations to develop and test cybersecurity incident response plans to minimize the impact of cyberattacks.

  • Foster partnerships between the government, private sector, and academia to develop and implement cybersecurity solutions.

Available metrics:

  • 2 online webinars and 1 offline event (1 hour) panel discussion with CyberSecurity experts at a local college have been conducted in two months.

Project collaborators: The hub is working with Surat Police Cyber Crime department initially and soon to collaborate with South Gujarat University’s Law department.