
Daily COVID-19 Briefings: Czech Republic



Every morning we publish a post on our Prague Hub page with local updates in the local language as well as English, tips on how to stay safe, global news and good news with initiatives battling covid-19 and its effects on society, etc.

A big part of it has become to promote local initiatives that are helping people that are struggling do to covid19.

Readership at the moment ranges between 300 and 1500 reads per post.

Example post:

#Covid19 Czech Republic/EU/Global April 28th Update

🦠 7 449 cases 🍀 2 842 recovered 🤒 4 384 currently sick 🏥 359 in hospital ⚰️ 223 deaths 🧪 226 255 tests

🗞 News on 🇨🇿CZ in English

🔬 👩🏽‍🔬 Top experts and scientists cannot get tot data on the coronavirus. Against are the law and the unwillingness of the government…/spickovi-vedci-a-odbornici-nemohou-k-da…

💲 Parlament members about the state of emergency. TOP 09 asks the government about the law for compensation.…/snemovna-jednani-o-prodlouzeni-nouzo…

🦠 Did covid-19 change the Czech Republic? Will we accept at least 50 children from 🇬🇷Greek refugee camps? At least 10?…/r~957d3da688a311ea9c800cc47ab…/

🏥 Czech hospitals are bleeding because of the coronavirus, monthly losses are in the hundreds of million krouns.

✈️ From dawn to rock bottom. Aviation faces an unprecedented crisis, only a few strong will survive.…/r~bdf541da886b11eaa7deac1f6b2…/


🦠 7 449 doposud potvrzených 🤒 4 384 aktuální počet
🏥 359 v nemocnicich 🍀 2 842 uzdravených ⚰️ 223 úmrtí 🧪 226 255 otestováno

🔬 👩🏽‍🔬 Špičkoví vědci a odborníci nemohou k datům o koronaviru. Proti je zákon i neochota státu…/spickovi-vedci-a-odbornici-nemohou-k-da…

💲 Poslanci rozhodnou o nouzovém stavu. TOP 09 žádá od vlády zákon o odškodnění…/snemovna-jednani-o-prodlouzeni-nouzo…

🦠 Změnil covid-19 Česko? Přijmeme alespoň padesát dětí z 🇬🇷řeckých táborů? Alespoň deset?…/r~957d3da688a311ea9c800cc47ab…/

🏥 České nemocnice kvůli koronaviru krvácejí, měsíční ztráty velkých špitálů jdou do stovek milionů korun

✈️ Z výsluní až na úplné dno. Letectví čelí bezprecedentní krizi, přežije pár silných…/r~bdf541da886b11eaa7deac1f6b2…/

🇪🇺 ❣️ European Union Updates ❣️ 🇪🇺
#EUsolidarity Now - just because the EU doesn't have a PR campaign, doesn't mean they aren't doing amazing things
Council of the European Union & European Commission & European Parliament & #EUsolidarity Now

🇪🇺 European Commission: The only way to defeat the coronavirus is by working together around the world.

We invite leaders across sectors, from governments and businesses to artists and philanthropists, to join a global pledging effort – the Coronavirus Global Response on 4 May. The goal is to raise €7.5 billion to develop a vaccine and deploy it to every single corner of the world. 🌍
Together we are #UnitedAgainstCoronavirus

🌎📅📢 Global/European Updates - Zprávy ze světa

🇮🇹 🇫🇷 🇪🇸Three of the world's hardest-hit nations are preparing to end their lockdowns World Economic Forum…/three-of-the-worlds-hardest-hit-…/

☀️ Europe’s cancelled summer holiday
The coronavirus pandemic looms over one of the Continent’s most vital economic sectors. POLITICO…/coronavirus-europe-canceled-summ…/

👩🏽‍🔬 Google’s medical AI was super accurate in a lab. Real life was a different story.
If AI is really going to make a difference to patients we need to know how it works when real humans get their hands on it, in real situations. MIT Technology Review…/google-medical-ai-accur…/

💲 Who will be the winners in a post-pandemic economy?…/post-pandemic-economy-favour-fas…/

💰 Foreign investment is drying up thanks to COVID-19. But there may be a silver lining…/foreign-investment-covid19-econo…/

👩‍⚕️ 📲 Doctors are now social-media influencers. They aren’t all ready for it.
The pandemic is turning medics into social-media stars, but even the most successful say being a positive influence is difficult.…/covid-coronavirus-docto…/

🦠 The revolt of the white-haired
Expect the ‘twelderly’ to rebel against indefinite confinement in coronavirus purgatory.…/coronavirus-the-revolt-of-the-wh…/

🙋🏾‍♂️ The COVID-19 sex bias: why does it kill more men than women?…/why-do-more-men-die-from-coronav…/

🇪🇺 Ursula von der Leyen’s disaster management
The doctor-turned-Commission president struggles to revive an EU in critical condition.…/european-commission-president-ur…/


🖼 DOX - Sedm týdnů bez návštěvníků, sedm týdnů bez příjmů. Intenzivně řešíme, jak zvládneme nadcházející měsíc a co všechno přinese červen. Pokud můžete, prosím podpořte nás na Děkujeme, že jste s námi! 🙏
DOX Centre for Contemporary Art
😷 17 398 masek u českých lékařů, zdravotníků a záchranářů. A teď pozor 🙂 začíná se dostávat i na menší ordinace, zubaře a brzy snad i domovy pro seniory.
💲 Jak to financujeme? Na
🖐🏼 Pokud byste se chtěli přidat k úžasným dobrovolníkům, a chtěli nám v Praze pomoci s jednoduchou prací na výrobní lince:

Energii lékařům
🍎 ⚡️ Does your friend work at the hospital? 🏥 Front line paramedics are not the only ones who need our support. Their colleagues, medical students but also hospital staff are under pressure due to the situation today. Does your friend or friend work at one of the medical facilities? Show him you stand behind him, tag him and recharge #energiilekarum and your medic 💚

Sestry v zaloze
👩‍⚕️ "Krasny den Sestry v zaloze. Dovolte, abych vam vsem podekovala. Jiz se blizime k 800 registrovanym. Zaroven je vic nez 250, ktere nase rady opustily. Bud se uplatnily nebo jiz nemohou byt v zaloze. Prosim tedy dal o sireni vyzvy"

Daruj zdravotníkovi respirátor
😷 Pomozme společně našim zdravotníkům, aby mohli pomáhat oni nám.

🇨🇿💚 Jak můžete pomoct? 👇👇👇
 finančním darem (tran. úč.: 123-1574120217/0100 ➡️ TransparentniUcetDZR)
👉Transakce se aktualizují vždy 1x denně ve 12:00
 ochranné pomůcky k darování sdílejte na naši stránku včetně místa odběru
 pomozte nám s distribucí darovaných ochranných pomůcek
 sdílejte iniciativu mezi zdravotníky a své známé Za vaše příspěvky pořizujeme a dovážíme ochranné pomůcky tam, kde jsou nejvíc potřeba, nehledě na lokalitu nebo velikost lékařského zařízení.
Lists many initiatives and talks about what is needed and how to go about it

HERO CLAN is a place you can register your unique expertise or skill or just as yourself to help when needed. They take in your skills, time and interests and when someone needs you they contact you! Could be anything! A bit of accounting for a charity, handing out food packages, a phone call to an elderly person in a home, web design for nurses in action, anything!

💆🏼‍♀️ 🏋🏼‍♂️ 💅🏻 💄 This amazing website lists individual people who work on their own as physiotherapists, cosmeticians, masseurs, fitness instructors etc and you can buy a voucher for their service to use in the future - help them survive!…

🧁 🍰 👵🏼 Duhový tandem engages your grandma and grandpa in bake for the healthcare workers, doctors and nurses! The elderly don't have to just wait at home until it's over, they. can thank doctors now!
⓵ Sign up your grandmother or grandfather by filling out a form or calling: 602 883 884
⓶ Let them choose a recipe from our cookbook, we will call them and arrange a time and bring all the needed ingredients for free and safely!
⓷ Baked? We will safely pick up the tasty baked goods and bring them. to the healthcare workers, doctors and nurses!…

Nákup babičce .cz - shop for the elderly!

🍻 Zachraň hospodu - save your pub!

🍺 ☕️ 🍲 Help your local pub, cafe or restaurant - they're helping too!
BlackDog Praha
Dear friends of the Global Shaper community. The Prague Hub will be posting updates on the COVID19 here from the World Economic Forum and World Health Organization (WHO), Financial Times, MIT Technology Review, platforms as well as local Czech sources (,,, Ministry of Health, government., lidovky, idnes)

Written by Prague Global Shaper Odessa Primus
#ShapingHealth #PreventionOverPanic