
Default Giving - Leveraging Defaults and Social Norms in charity donations

When it comes to organ donations, Spain is the clear #1. This is (in part) because of it's opt-out system: People donate their organs unless they opt out. This leads to a clear conclusion: When people need to actively decide, they often choose inaction - going with the default option.

In this project, the Copenhagen Hub is leveraging the power of defaults by applying them to charity donations. Concretely, we are finding 3 companies to trial a give-by-default approach of having all employees signed up to donate some amount (e.g. 0.1%) of their salaries unless they opt out. Even with small donation percentages, the potential is huge: 0.1% in Denmark alone would funnel $200 million to charities per year.

The experience gained from those 3 companies will be used to

  1. share learnings with the community

  2. document an operating model for others to copy

  3. scale the model across the world (leveraging Global Shapers and the Effective Altruism Community)$


Find 3 companies who will sign up to a give-by-default scheme

Share a documented operating model with Global Shapers and Effective Altruism


Potentially $200 million per year to charities - and orders of magnitude more if shared with other countries.