
Developing Civic Leaders

Posadas students aged 16 and older needed to know about the electoral process in order to exercise their right to vote and elect their representatives. This Developing Civic Leaders initiative was intended to benefit young people who are eligible to vote for the first time, whether they are natives by choice or not, or naturalized Argentines.

We developed presentations at the National School N°1 "Martín de Moussy", at the Superior Normal School "Estados Unidos del Brasil" and at the Provincial School N°2 "General Manuel Belgrano". In these, we informed about the procedure to be followed, we carried out an electoral simulation and clarified the doubts that the young people had regarding the elections that we are going through this year.

It was a long-term solution. We wanted to raise awareness of the right of young people to participate in elections, to fully exercise their political rights and strengthen democracy in our city. This objective was intended to be achieved by October 22, 2023, the date on which the General Elections were held in Argentina and will be useful for the elections to come.

The immediate results of the activity carried out by the Hub were the practice to vote in the General Elections and the evacuation of doubts after the dynamics. The initiative hopes that the target group will recognize the importance of being involved in a democratic system and thus put into practice every two years what they have learned in the simulation, being able to cast effective votes. In addition, they will have knowledge of the voting method and thus be able to carry it out in other areas, such as student life (election of Student Centers), neighborhood (election of Neighborhood Commissions), and so on.

The initiative mobilized eight teachers, 85 students and two collaborators from different organizations. Seven Hub shapers participated and three exhibitions have been held, one in each educational establishment.