
Diamond in the rough

Diamond in the rough

The Italian education system has huge disparities between different geographical areas. Social and economic reasons may result in highly competent students to not being able to exploit their potential.


Target group:

The project targets last year “Technical Institutes” High School Students and is composed of three classes that focus on the self-awareness and self development of the students.


Hub activities:

The Rome Hub has decided to create a mentorship program in collaboration with employment agencies, that teaches both “soft” and “hard” skills to the students in order to give them the tools to find an adequate job when the school is over.

The Hub targeted a graphical technical institute because it gives practical knowledge that can be immediately used after the diploma.

The content focuses on:

-Creation of a life goal

-Creation of a personal working method 

-Practical and theoretical skills in order to find job 

Mentors will also follow the student in the period between the classes in order to carefully answer all the doubts.


Short-term goals / Results:

Give a strich number of students the possibility to successfully apply to an employment agency or start their freelancer activity.


Long-term change:

Develop a strong partnership with the employment agencies and the schools that can be expanded at more schools at a national level.



Istututo tecnico “Luigi Einaudi”


Lazio Innova