

Milan Hub piloted a new project to foster the inclusion of migrants and asylum-seekers in Milan, as well as promote intercultural dialogue with the hosting community. The project draws from 'Ponte tra culture', an existing project of the National Trust Fund for Italy (FAI) where migrants are trained to become artistic mediators.

Often, asylum-seekers and refugees are hosted in centers on the outskirt of the city and do not have many chances of meeting and interacting with members of the hosting community. As a consequence, they often feel marginalized and even hopeless sometimes. In collaboration with FAI, the Milan Hub organized 5 tours to meet locals, enabling newcomers to discover the city where they live and its history, with the aim of making them feel welcome and building bridges with the host community. 

The pilot project was implemented between November and December 2019. A total of 12 asylum-seekers from all over the world participated in the tours, along with another 10 FAI and GS volunteers.

We're now looking to improve and scale-up the project.