
Draga Orgânica

Problem Statement

The community of Poço da Draga needs support to resume the projects of composting and self-sustaining community garden, both financially and in terms of community engagement.

Target Group

The residents of the local community, more precisely young people and adults.

Proposed Solution

The hub seeks to address the problem with two main actions:

  1. Development of young leaders who will promote environmental education in the community, playing a role of connection within the community.

  2. Creation of a self-sufficient logistics for the urban garden in the community and assistance in the revival of existing composting systems that can generate income, in addition to the sale of inputs such as oils for soap and detergent production.


  • Visits to the community to identify community issues

  • Conversations with community representatives for project development

  • Reactivating composting systems

  • Implementing the community garden

  • Mobilizing the youth in the community

  • Co-creation of workshops for solution development with community representatives.

Short and Long-Term Objectives

Short-term results: Engage the community in the process of reactivating the composting system and building the community garden.

Long-term results: Keep the composter and the urban garden active in the long term and generating a continuous influx of money to help keeping the above projects active. Develop the sense of climate responsibility in the teenagers living in Poço da Draga

Available Metrics

Number of community leaders engaged

Number of shapers involved

Number of project participants

Number of visits

Number of community members mobilized

Project Collaborators

Coletivo Fundo da Caixa; Comunidade local do Poço da Draga.