
Eco-Pulse Addis

Problem Statement

We have witnessed a concerning rise in pollution and waste in the city, exacerbated by the ongoing geo-political conditions of the country and the aftermath of the battle against COVID-19. Amidst these struggles, the importance of climate action and sustainable living

often gets overlooked. We believe the lack of accessible information, resources, and community involvement hampers our progress.

A single community can’t be expected to take complete responsibility over the matters related to climate and sustainability but we believe an exponentially multiplying change is possible through a behavior change model. Climate activists and scientists emphasize the urgency for immediate lifestyle changes to curb the planet's decline. To make a meaningful impact, we will be diligently modeling a sustainable outcome through our hub and using the testimonies from that experience to create a city road map that can be used by the

public. We hope that this will also demystify the rhetoric around climate change and sustainable living so everyone can find their own ways to contribute to the movement for a healthy planet.


Target Group

Our primary target audience for the project comprises tech-savvy youth in Addis Ababa, typically aged over 16 years old. These young individuals are independent thinkers, frequently engaging in social activities, and are familiar with modern intricacies such as plastic bags and bottles. While they possess a basic awareness of climate change, they may lack a profound understanding of its complexities, they have no idea what to do about the

problem or they haven't yet encountered situations that convince them of its significant

impact and consequences.

Proposed Solution

Project Description


This sustainable model project makes use of the sample group (hub members and/or

external volunteers) and asks them to take up and alter their lifestyle by picking up one or

more sustainable alternatives. They will be asked to give up the unhealthy practice for an

extent of time. After this duration, they will report on their findings. They will express the

challenges they have faced and the change the alternative lifestyle has created in their

everyday life. This testimony will be broadcast to the public the result of which is expected

to be

- The modeling and advertising of healthy alternative lifestyles, their challenges and

their proposed solutions

- Pinpointing how and where to access the elements of an alternative lifestyle

- Simplifying the steps to a sustainable lifestyle

The elements of an unhealthy lifestyle that we selected are

1. Plastic water bottles

2. Single use plastic bags

3. Plastic straws

4. Sanitary pads

5. Irresponsible use of water

Outputs :

1) An Online Campaign

● infographics and videos to further explain the above elements so people have a

better understanding of why the change is important.

● content highlighting individuals, movements, and establishments that already

practice some type of sustainable living.

2) A Problem Solving Workshop

● dialogue and presentation on sustainable lifestyle

● participants will be asked to propose solutions on existing challenges



- To create a sustainable living road map for Addis Ababa

- To highlight the importance of an alternative sustainable lifestyle in the city

- To enable people to have a better understanding of the unhealthy lifestyle and

propose their own solutions