
Education in Sustainability & Entrepreneurship

Together with the Tomorrow University, Shapers from the Hamburg Hub mentor various group challenges. The goal is to match the UN Sustainable Development Goals to a group's personal values. So far, the students evaluated the relevant aspects, designed sustainable solutions for a group of SDGs that characterize a grand societal challenge and even prototyped sufficient features.

Education, which is helping young students from all backgrounds to not only unleash their entrepreneurial potential but more importantly address pressing global issues while ensuring the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are universally applied.*1nya8a2*_up*MQ..&gclid=CjwKCAjwzeqVBhAoEiwAOrEmzX7NJD-w24xf_SUbr6FyHV_LVOj7j9sR6oBiZRPylZjh7HlEmN7C5xoC6_oQAvD_BwE