

Problem Statement: High school students in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, lack practical training and entrepreneurship knowledge, hindering their preparation for the job market and the pursuit of their professional goals.

Target Group: High school students.

Proposed Solution: EduIndustry aims to address the knowledge gap among high school students regarding the job market by offering practical solutions, including:

  • Workshops on essential market skills and their application in various fields.

  • Expert lectures on career journeys.

  • Facilitating hands-on internship experiences.

Hub Activities: Conducting workshops on essential market skills and hosting expert talks at UBT campus. Facilitating partnerships between educational institutions and companies. Providing practical training opportunities for students.

Short and Long-Term Goals:

  • Short-Term: Successfully conduct workshops and training sessions, establish partnerships with local institutions and companies, and increase student participation.

  • Long-Term: Equip a significant number of students with practical skills and job market insights, leading to better career opportunities and professional development.

Available Metrics:

  • Number of workshops conducted and students who participated.

  • Number of partnerships established with institutions and companies.

  • Qualitative feedback from students on skill enhancement and job market readiness.

  • Tracking of students' career progress post-training.

Project Collaborators: University of Business and Technology (UBT).