
Emergency Flood Relief Drives in Karachi

In August 2020, Karachi witnessed some of the worst rainfalls. Many areas, especially slums in Karachi were completely within water; many houses were swept away, roads destroyed and electricity gone for weeks. It was termed as the worst rainfall in the Pakistani 89 years (BBC). The continued showers resulted in people stranded in water within their homes with no electricity or basic supplies.

Shapers of the Karachi Hub responded with extremely limited resources with a basic helpline to connect the stranded families with authorities to ensure that they got support as soon as possible. Shapers also helped 763 families directly by providing them cooked meals, clean drinking water and roof tents for makeshift homes to shield from rain to families in areas worst affected. Furthermore, Shapers volunteered as animal rescuers in the city with a local organization called the ACF.

For this relief effort, Shapers started identifying localities that were the worst hit. This exercise was done by Shapers and their network of friends who were volunteering at the frontline. Based on the information gathered, hub members purchased cooked meals (packed biryani and lentils) and delivered to families in those areas. There was no way of cooking meals in most of those areas as the kitchens along with everything were either swept away or completely in water.