
Empowering Youth on International Day of the Girl

Problem Statement: In Japan, girls are often enforced by their gender-biased teachers and families to abstain from achieving their ambitions.


Target Group: Female high school and college students who want to achieve their ambitions but lack confidence or/and support from others


Proposed Solution: Create an opportunity where female students can interact with role models who are constantly challenging themselves to achieve their ambitions.


Hub Activities: Hosting a virtual event with a panel of three role models in their 20s. Invite female high school and college students as participants for the discussion.


Short & Long-Term Goals/Results: Participants would feel encouraged to follow their passion. They would also get to know other girls who are struggling to achieve their goals but willing to challenge themselves.


Available Metrics: As the project enters the planning phase, the hub will define how long the virtual event will be and how many participants will attend.