

The spirit and mindset of Pereiran citizens is the fruit of a strong feeling of activism and a deep sense of belonging to the city. This has led to the emergence of a large volume of initiatives, projects, non-profit organizations, foundations and NGOs throughout the city, that seek the well-being of the community, directly or indirectly impacting the SDGs.


There is however a lack of strategic coordination across NGOs in the city, which unfortunately prevents them from maximizing and strengthening their capacity to fulfill the SDGs.


Problem statement: NGOs in Pereira need to strengthen their strategic capacities so they can improve their contribution to the SDGs fulfillment in Pereira.  


Target: NGOs in the city of Pereira, Colombia. 


Proposed solution: In order to make a difference, the Pereira Hub ( has designed a strategic training process customized for the local NGOs. The objective of this training is to better coordinate NGOs, contribute to the strengthening and articulation of programs, projects, actions and initiatives that promote the SGGs across the city.


Hub activities: 

The main activities of the project consist of:


1. Pereira NGOs mapping.

2. In-depth research and analysis of NGOs weaknesses and problems

3. Develop a customized training and consulting plan

4. Test/Implement training pilot with 10 NGOs.

5. Create a communication plan and report the results to the project stakeholders


Short Term Goals:

1. Develop a data base of social actors in the city of Pereira.

2. Research and analysis of what are the most common issues and challenges faced by NGOs in the city. 

3. Give strategic training to the NGOs through social consulting


Long Term Change: 

Maximize and strengthen the capacity of NGOs in the City of Pereira to deliver on the SDGs.


Available Metrics:

- Number of NGOs participating in the diagnostic process. - Number of Strategic Plans developed. - Number of Strategic training processes managed and developed. - Number of direct and indirect NGOs Beneficiaries of the trainning process. - Number of direct and indirect participants (People).

- Number of parthnerships delevoped and their quantity and cuality results.