
GREENTECH platform

The need for lowering greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is currently one of the key climate-related objectives for world economies. The actions should be taken by all actors (businesses, states & public sector, NGOs, individuals & the civil society) especially across key, high-emissions sectors (% of worldwide CO2 emissions): electricity (25%), agriculture (24%), manufacturing (21%), transportation (14%), buildings (6%). As much as multiple efforts are being made to address the daily habits of individuals (eg. cut of meat consumption, switch to public transport), we see that a long-term, high-impact area is often being omitted: the housing conditions and solutions used for energy-efficiency of buildings. That is why the Warsaw Hub has decided to create a platform that will support individuals in making eco-friendly choices when building or renovating a house, thus impacting their energy consumption and GHG emissions in the long-term. 


Thanks to the platform, the Hub will be able not only to help individual individuals choose solutions that reduce their negative environmental impact but also to increase the availability and awareness of green technology solutions and help their producers find a market (both individual and business and public customers). By introducing appropriate solutions in the field of impact measurement and tracking the number of clients of the platform (and so-called "closed deals"), the Hub will be able to measure the real impact of the platform.


The platform will consist of the following elements, which support the decision-making process:

  • access to easy-to-digest content on the climate impact of specific solutions;

  • access to solutions facilitating the change of habits or currently used solutions with a higher negative environmental impact;

  • investment, savings, and overall profitability of the eco-friendly solutions;

  • marketplace for eco-friendly products and services for houses (eg. solar panels, heating pumps, building materials);


The target group is people aged 20-45 with an increasing awareness of the general human impact and the impact of individual actions of citizens on the environment and climate. It is mainly the middle class that is open to new solutions and has a budget sufficient to cover the costs of responsible consumer decisions, including investment in solar panels or solutions for the energy efficiency of the apartment.

The Goals of the project are to:

  • Provide costs, savings, and overall profitability of eco-friendly house solutions;

  • Provide a marketplace of eco-friendly house products and services to customers seeking green solutions for their homes;

  • Provide a database/knowledge hub for eco-friendly house solutions, which will help customers make better-informed decisions

  • Provide a platform for customers to connect with experts (architects, engineers) to adjust eco-friendly house solutions to their needs and available funds.

Impact measurement: daily & monthly platform visits, customers connected to eco-friendly solutions’ manufacturers and service providers rate (“conversion rate”), increase in the number of eco-friendly house solutions search queries - exact KPIs to be developed after MVP stage