
Her Health

Despite medical advancements across Europe, Romania holds the unfortunate distinction of leading the European Union in cervical cancer mortality rates. This statistic is further compounded by the fact that, as of 2019, only 9% of Romanian women between the ages of 50 and 69 have undergone a mammogram in the preceding two years, according to Eurostat data. These figures highlight a pressing need for targeted interventions. Recognizing this gap, our #herhealth initiative is stepping up. We are launching awareness workshops tailored for young women in universities and high schools. By focusing on this demographic, we aim to instill a proactive approach to health from a young age. Our workshops will provide these women with essential knowledge, tools, and resources related to women's health. We believe that by empowering them, they can act as ambassadors of change, taking this knowledge back to their home communities and creating a ripple effect. Our goal is to build a robust community that prioritizes women's health and well-being. The lack of inclusivity and awareness results in unequal access to vital resources, exacerbating health disparities among women. We're focusing on women aged 14 to 35 in schools and universities, as this age range is crucial for preventive measures. Our goal is to empower them with the knowledge and tools they need to prioritize their health.

We're designing project activities centered around three pillars:

Empowering through Knowledge: We're crafting a comprehensive women’s health prevention guidebook. This guidebook, crafted with insights from leading oncologists, gynecologists, sociologists, and medical anthropologists, serves as a valuable resource. It will be available for download on the #herhealth website.

Building Bridges of Access: We're launching #herhealth awareness sessions in schools and universities, creating spaces where young women feel seen and heard.

Cultivating a Supportive Community: We're nurturing a network of #herhealth ambassadors, champions from our awareness sessions, who will spread the message of women’s health awareness in their communities.

Short-term goals: conduct medical awareness meetings in schools and universities to reach 500 women with information about women’s health issue prevention, create prevention booklet, establish partnerships with relevant stakeholders

Long-term goals: 5% increase in the number of women undergoing their annual medical check-ups by the end of the year, focusing on areas with the most significant gaps, conduct at least 20 awareness sessions or workshops, targeting a 10% improvement in women's medical knowledge and their proactive approach towards seeking preventive consultations, establish the #herhealth community with a target of attracting 30 active members by year-end, laying the foundation for its role as an advocate in women's health, initiate conversations and secure partnerships with at least 5 prominent medical or civic personalities over the next 12 months to support and endorse the project's objectives

Desired metrics are: 500 in awareness sessions, 50% Attendance rate at events, at least 20% improvement in post-session quiz scores, at least 20% of positive feedback on knowledge gain, 30 #herhealth community members, 10 medical and civic personalities partnered with, 5collaborative events or initiatives, at least 10% percentage increase in annual medical check-ups in target group, 50 preventive consultations reported

Among our collaborators are firstly hub projects such as BuchARTest for the mural, ÎntreVecini women community, as well as other NGOs that would integrate our perspective and help with the youth connection and feminist perspective. We will collaborate with policy makers as well as medical societies: Societatea de Obstetrica și Ginecologie din România, Societatea Națională de Medicina, Societatea Națională de Oncologie Medicală, public sector: DSP, INSP, MS, private sector: pharmaceutical companies, private clinic