
Hey Neighbor !

Many inhabitants of big cities do not know their neighbours. This is also true for Copenhagen. Research has shown that it is good for a city, neighbourhood and ultimately for individuals that they get to know the people that live near them, as it can reduce polarisation and decrease feelings of loneliness. Though the desire to better know ones’ neighbours is often expressed, it still seems difficult for many to take the leap and in fact get to know them.

The Copenhagen Hub ‘hey neighbour’ project makes that first step a bit easier. Through sending ‘hey neighbour’ cards we facilitate a way to initiate contact with neighbours that do not know each other yet, or want to get to know each other better. The project is set up by the Global Shapers Copenhagen in collaboration with the Disrupted Societies Institute (DISI), an Amsterdam-based think- and do-tank, which aims to better understand the divisive forces behind disrupted societies. With this project, we hope to better understand when citizens feel at home in their own neighbourhood and how this might change.