
Human Faces of the Opioid Crisis

Similar to “Humans of New York”, the Toronto Hub will take pictures of those who have been affected by the opioid crisis (4 groups described below) and showcase it somewhere public in Toronto. The Hub also hopes to get some media attention on the issue and thus advocate for the stories behind the opioid crisis. The purpose of this project is to provide a human face to the opioid crisis going on in Ontario. There are many people who suffer: those with chronic pain and on prescription opioids, those who have also turned to IV drugs often due to circumstance and life trauma, those who have lost loved ones, and those who do front line work in the field.


  1. To shed light on the stories behind the opioid crisis. Lay individuals might think “these people decided to be addicts, let them suffer” and the hope would be to shed human light to this issue

  2. Allow affected individuals to share their stories and feel empowered by doing so