
Inclusion and equality: are we really doing something?

As part of our inclusion and equality initiative a social media campaign was created in order to demystify key concepts regarding inclusion in society. 

The main question was: "What actually is inclusion?" as we believe the concept is still not very clear. The social media campaign included 5 tips to promote inclusion in our society. 

In collaboration with Politikment a local political organization, our curator Maria Alejandra Blanco discussed the topic: Gender equality in the workplace, along with female activist Mariel Yee, all this in the weekly program The PresidiumFellow member Amairany Guerrero was also present in the event. 

Project Goals

-Create a meaningful campaing including key concepts and tips to reach real inclusion. 

-Participate in a conversation regarding the women's experience in the workplace, creating a meaningful insight from our own member's perspective. 

Project Impact

-The program The Presidium was viewed by 96 people and had several comments asking questions and giving support.