

Problem Statement

Business, government and civil society in Caracas need to boost their collaboration so that they can reduce misinformation and know-how in the technological area. What is the project's target group? non-governmental organizations, people between 18 and 55 years of age, local government

Proposed Solution

Create an ecosystem where private enterprise and civil society connect common interests according to their own needs. (long-term solution)

Hub Activities

  • Establish collaborative networks between business, government and civil society to share knowledge and resources in the field of technology.

  • Developing training and education programs in technology that are accessible to all members of society, which could increase knowledge and technical skills in this area.

  • Implementing initiatives to reduce misinformation in the technology field, which could help increase trust and credibility in this area.

  • The promotion of an environment conducive to technological entrepreneurship, which could foster the development of new companies and innovative projects in the technological field.

Short and Long-Term Goals/Results

Identification of specific technological needs and challenges in Caracas, which could help to better focus project activities to address these needs and challenges.

Building alliances and partnerships with local organizations, which could help establish trusting and collaborative relationships and increase the visibility and impact of the project.

Organizing and conducting events and activities to increase awareness and knowledge about technology issues, which could help build participation and interest in the project.

The implementation of initiatives to reduce misinformation in the technology field, which could help increase trust and credibility in this area.


Reduced misinformation and increased trust in the technology field Increased awareness and knowledge about technology issues

Strengthened collaboration and partnerships in the local community.

Overall, the long-term change sought is to create a thriving technological ecosystem in Caracas, characterized by collaboration, innovation, increased technological literacy, and a trustworthy environment, ultimately driving socio-economic growth and advancement in the region.

Available Metrics


  • Implementation of initiatives to reduce misinformation in the technology field.

  • Organizing and conducting events and activities to increase awareness and knowledge about technology issues

  • Building alliances and partnerships with local organizations.


  • Number of people participating in technology training and education programs.

  • Number of alliances and partnerships established with local organizations.

  • Level of awareness of technology issues among project participants and initiatives to reduce misinformation.

  • Number of new businesses and innovative technology projects created.

  • Number of people trained in technical skills relevant to the local economy.

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