

Project LEI aims at providing young women in Turin with direct mentorship from successful female leaders in order to help them plan and advance their own careers. The Project will target women aged 23-30 years old, focusing on last year university students, recent university graduates and young professionals.

It will constitute of a series of digital events starring successful and well-known women from the worlds of business, politics, culture, science, media and academia. Each of them will provide target audience of young women with inspiration and motivation to pursue professional ambitions. The same women will serve as the jury in a creative contest for the target audience, and each winner of the contest will be awarded with an exclusive virtual coffee date with one of the stars. These meetings will provide a space for an intergenerational exchange and direct mentorship. Additionally, selected entries to the contest will be published online.

The project was first proposed in Autumn 2020 and is still in the phase of devising.

Project objectives:

1) Carrying out a number of inspiring and motivating online meetings with locally acclaimed female Leaders to raise awareness about specific challenges faced by young women in professional contexts and to discuss possible solutions

2) Collecting, editing and publication of contents submitted to a creative contest (format TBD, possibly video and/or texts)

3) Facilitating mentorship cycles between selected Leaders and Participants