
Libraries on the way (BiblioMiO)

In Colombia people read an average of 2.9 books per year and printed format is the favorite 82% vs. digital 70%. With the aim of strengthening the book and reading as a pillar of social welfare in the most vulnerable population in Cali city, since December 2017 multi-sectorial organizations have come together to launch and operate 2 libraries in the mass transportation system of buses in the city, where each one of his books are read 19 times per year.

BiblioMio is located in Andrés Sanin bus terminal and Unidad Deportiva station, from where they provide people stratum 2, who are on their way to work, street vendors, housewives, bus drivers, boys and girls, young people, parents, mothers and seniors the perfect excuse to break with their routine through a book and its reading. With their scarce 500 books, these oases of culture in their first year have already benefited more than 3,400 people reading through 9,700 free book loans, covering the totality of their annual reading demand, demonstrating that the bet to take the library to the people works.

Key Allies

Global Shapers Cali Hub: co-lead the proyect and get new books for it.

MetroCali: Cali bus system that provides the spaces for the location of the bibliostations.

Fundación Gases de Occidente: Social organization Gas sector that finances the purchase of books and growth.

Public Libraries Network: Ministry of Culture responsible for hiring librarians and managing the operation.

Fundación Bibliotec: Social organization in charge of the administration of resources. Web Startup that takes the measurement of the project.

ADN: Communications sector in charge of project communications.