
Luck Circles

Luck Circles is a semi-regular event hosted by the Cleveland Hub that facilitates conversations and the sharing of ideas between a diverse group of people. Networking with a purpose! This event is part speed dating and part skill share. Attendees gather in a casual setting and are asked to list a challenge, goal, wish, etc. that they could use some help in addressing. These prompts can be as simple as "I need help with circulating my resume" or as big as "I am looking to acquire a boat" or "I need a connection working within the biotech field." People will rotate through the groups at set intervals (hence the speed dating analogy) and, if they have a contact, tip, or anything useful to offer, share how they could help each other out! (Also, yes, someone actually did manage to get a boat one time). Discussions have covered career opportunities, bail bond reform, personal dating tips, and personal pursuits in the arts.