
Map My City

The city is a collection of individual and collective narratives. It is made up of our stories and fragments of our daily lives. It shapes our life paths and weaves our social bonds. In Morocco, as elsewhere in the world, cities are changing and transforming at lightning speed. In this evolution, the needs of residents are sometimes sidelined, and their human experience neglected. Sometimes, cities fail to be inclusive, neglecting a category of inhabitants and their specific needs, such as women and girls. The Map My City project aims to tell the story of the city through the eyes of young embroiderers in Salé. Through the act of mapping, they are encouraged to explore, question, re-imagine and re-appropriate the city, using embroidery as a storytelling tool. The project takes place between Salé, Rabat and the Bouregreg river: in-between and a land of possibilities. From thread to needle, the embroidered map weaves a sentimental geography of the city, embroidering personal narratives, fragments of life and emotions. The project unfolds in two distinctive phases, both contributing to its ongoing nature.

Phase 1: Education, Research, and Creative skills During this first stage, participants learn creative skills, explore the city, and use embroidery as a means of expressing their ideas. Empowering young girls who dropped out of school because of accessibility issues is the goal.

Phase 2: Career and Economic Security As the project moves into its second phase, it broadens its impact by emphasizing aspects that are practical. It encourages workshops and entrepreneurial endeavors while aiming to provide participants with the skills they need for employment and financial independence.