
Meaningful Mornings

Meaningful Mornings is an ongoing project of the Global Shapers Amsterdam Hub to create spaces for meaningful conversation on important social issues to drive social action and collaboration. These morning sessions serve as a before-work Friday morning event to drive reflective thought, open conversation, and coherent action. These sessions are being held generally for 1 hour physically in the Netherlands but now also globally online. The goal of these spaces, both physical and digitally, is not tasked with solving problems rather act as a learning space. This space enables participants and speakers to explore possibilities and build on each other's experience and knowledge in a collaborative space. The project strives to not create not only a safe space but a brave space in which we can explore our unity in diversity.

The Hub's goal with meaningful mornings is to provide a space for productive discourse that leads to concrete action. The Hub is currently partnering with local and international NGOs and are offering the format to organizations and global shaper hubs around the world.

The Hub foresees the following concrete project goals during this COVID-19 Era:

- Wish to connect hubs from every region in the world to have similar spaces tailored to the needs and culture of their reality

- Connect with social impact projects and offer discourse spaces to explore topics related to their mission and explore how meaningful conversation can be a conduit to collaborative action.

- Create related workshops from NGO partners, interested individuals and other participants to deepen learning from conversations, which will lead to direct action.