
Men Talk Trauma

Growing up, my dad told me to "be a man": not showing emotions, staying in control, and not complaining ‘like a girl’. Despite my need to process difficult childhood experiences, I struggle to openly discuss my childhood traumas. Many men, like me, need help, and a forum to share and process trauma. Still, we may be uncomfortable joining support groups due to the stigma surrounding male vulnerability. We fear being seen as weak.

Men Talk Trauma is an anonymous support group for individuals who have experienced trauma, are in ongoing psychological therapy, and are seeking a support group without exposure. The group will offer a safe space for processing emotions alongside others who face similar challenges. We aim to provide a space where men can heal, without feeling constrained by traditional masculine expectations of emotional suppression. This unique group therapy format combines two established therapeutic formats:

  1. Anonymous support format, publicly accessible to anyone in the form of online chats or meetings. However, this setting's full accessibility may prevent continuity and recurring participation, and it may not feel safe as anyone can enter.

  2. Curated support groups hosted by a psychologist and attended by recurring participants at regular intervals. As far as we know, this is the first-of-its-kind format that combines these two therapy formats.

The Tel Aviv hub will organize a pilot group that will be attended by about 10-12 recurring individuals attending 10 monthly support group sessions. The hub’s responsibilities will include the recruitment of a support group host and participants, the technical facilitation of anonymous meetings through tech community partners, and the messaging of group success through professional surveys conducted by relevant professionals. Project partners will include the host psychologist, tech on unity partners, and the mentioned measurement service providers. Should the group succeed, according to the professional metrics measured, the hub may partner with additional hubs to deploy this inherently scalable project format in a wider set of communities. We hope that this support group will help not only its participants, but also their suroundings, which will benefit from healthier individuals who may be less prone to violance and other adverse behavior.