
Mental Health Day

*Problem Statement:* Young individuals in Belgrade, Serbia need to improve their mental health resilience and stress management capabilities, especially following traumatic incidents like the recent primary school shooting, in order to better cope with life and academic pressures.

*Target Group:* Our primary beneficiaries are the youth and students in Belgrade, particularly those studying at the University of Belgrade.

*Proposed Solution:* The Global Shapers Belgrade Hub proposes a series of mental health awareness activities aimed at providing students with tools to manage stress and emotional upheaval. This approach involves organizing mental health days, during which professionals in the field deliver workshops on various relevant topics.

*Hub Activities:* The first action undertaken by the hub was the organization of a Mental Health Day at the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade. We assembled a team of three professionals who facilitated workshops on handling stressful situations and emotions. Plans are underway to continue with the mental health awareness project from September, with an aim to engage more students in these essential discussions. *Short & Long-Term Goals/Results:* Our short-term goal was to provide immediate support to the 50 students who participated in the first Mental Health Day, equipping them with strategies for mental health resilience. In the long-term, we aspire to reach a larger number of students across the university, thereby fostering a supportive environment that prioritizes mental health. As we move forward, we'll measure the success of our project by the number of students we engage and the impact we make on their well-being.

*Available Metrics:* To date, the hub has successfully held one Mental Health Day, involving 50 students in a full day of workshops. The hub aims to expand these activities, with a goal to reach more students in wider University of Belgrade community, starting from September.