
Mugalim 2020

1,530 teachers from all over Kyrgyzstan have applied to participate in our project on online education tools! “The COVID-19 pandemic is dealing a blow to education and learning so destructive we will feel its negative effects for decades to come, including $44 billion in economic loss in Central Asia alone, and this is not our most pessimistic scenario,” said Ayesha Vawda, Lead Education Specialist at the World Bank in Central Asia. (More at Having adhered to the traditional teaching format since Soviet times, the transition to the new online format turned out to be one of the most problematic tasks for teachers and schoolchildren in Kyrgyzstan.

Therefore, the Bishkek Hub launched The MUGALIM project implemented together with independent experts in the field of education and in partnership with the "New School Foundation" As a result, a special training program for online education tools was created, 337 mentors were recruited and 1,530 teachers from all over Kyrgyzstan were trained. Now, realizing the importance of improving the digital skills of teachers in the regions and the importance of introducing hybrid education, we are working on introducing our program at the Ministry of Education of Kyrgyzstan at the national level.

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