

Problem statement:
There is a skills gap in grant funding applications amongst small, youth-run businesses. The youths are amongst the 2.4 million Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises operating in Zimbabwe.

Target group:
Business owners/entrepreneurs that interact with or are members of the Harare Hub's partner organisations.

Current collaborators:
Stanbic Hub

List of potential collaborators:
Stockholm Hub – Support and direction in the implementation of the project
Confederation of Zimbabwean Industries – access to entrepreneurs and outreach support to attract entrepreneurs.
Eight25 Hub – access to entrepreneurs; venue for sessions
BancABC Hub - access to entrepreneurs; venue for sessions
Impact Hub - access to entrepreneurs; venue for sessions
Grant Writers Co - Grant writing expertise

Proposed solution:
Broadcast grant opportunities (radio interviews, Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin) to entrepreneurs and conduct workshops with grant experts, competition judges, local hubs aimed to enhance their grant application skills.
The above solution will involve having a series of workshops with the experts and then tailor made Mukana sessions ideal for each organisation's mandate and its members.

Project activities
Conduct 6 grant writing sessions in the year (3 online, 3 physical)
Distribute templates to entrepreneurs by month 10
Share 12 substack newsletters with grant opportunities s once a month

Short term and long term goals:
Enhanced skills in grant identification and application
Successful grant applications from Harare youth and the rest of Zimbabwe
Enhanced support systems small businesses in Harare scaling up
Improved business processes of small businesses as they undergo the grant preparation phase

Desired impact metrics:
Number of successful applications submitted by trainees after the intervention
Number of people reached