
My Hub's Emissions

Climate Change is possibly the main issue that the world is facing as one and it seems that people still don't know how it may relate to their daily lives. In addition, creating awareness about Climate Change is the first step so people can understand their impacts over the planet. My Hub's Emissions is a GHG calculator so HUB's can use it to calculate the GHG emissions from their meetings and start to understand the HUB's impacts on the climate. Know how much you impact our planet is a important thing so you can understand what you need to do and what you need to change in your life to properly fight climate change. The objetive is for HUB's to use this calculator and then find ways to mitigate their emissions and finally offset what can't be mitigated. I'll measure how much people are using by the reports made by the calculator code and then I'll reach to the HUBs using the calculator to see what they are doing to mitigate their emissions and ask if they know how to offset GHG emissions.