
Not too young to

Despite climate change being reported as a significant issue by the majority of Australians, particularly young people, the national climate change policy in Australia is severely lacking.


More than 90% of young people say climate change is a very important issue and the vast majority also believe the government isn’t doing enough on climate change. Yet, despite this concern about climate change and interest in political issues, there is a significant lack of youth engagement with Australian politics and government. In Victoria, the majority of local councillors are males aged over 46 years old. In fact, the number of councillors aged over 76 is increasing, whilst the number aged under 25 is decreasing. 


Early research from a survey we are running shows that 85% of young people in Victoria do not know there is a Local Council election coming up in October 2020. In Victoria, the drivers for a lack of youth engagement in government can be distilled into three key areas:

  1. There is a general lack of knowledge about government processes and the role local government can play in climate change;  

  2. The pathways to politics are unclear to young Australians;

  3. Young people are unaware of how to meaningfully engage with government to influence climate policy

The Global Shapers Melbourne Hub created Not Too Young To with the aim to improve political participation, representation and civic engagement amongst young Australians. Local governments are perfectly poised to engage with young people and provide opportunities for young people to actively participate and meaningfully contribute to climate policy. 


The project was inspired ‘Not too young to’’ is inspired by the Shaper-Founded #NotTooYoungToRun age reduction bill in Nigeria formed in 2016.

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