
Online pressure: young people under the weight of the cyber world


Youth (6.-12. Grade) in Lucerne, Switzerland needs to become aware and intrinsically motivated to regulate their social media consumption so they can improve their mental health, reduce depression, anxiety, mobbing and irritability.

TARGET GROUP: Teachers, Parents and their children

PROPOSED SOLUTION: In a medium term study we’re aiming at finding out the needs and the existing awareness of the youth around social media and it’s consumption, also their parents and teachers, how they’re dealing with it. Afterwards we’ll create different groups and test various approaches to increase awareness around the topic to increase mental wellbeing. Ultimately we’ll decide which method worked best, when looking at the finished study. Because then we can roll out an entire science based program, to go to all the schools of Switzerland and increase the mental well being of the kids today!

MILESTONES AND TIMELINES: 31.12.2023 Finish Project planning 31.01.2024 Complete the final version of the surveys 28.02.2024 Have 3 schools to work with 31.03.2024 Have min. 30 filled out forms of each of the 3 parties (parents, kids & teachers) 30.04.2024 Have a first overview of the results with visualizations 10.05.2024 Hand in the first results of the study

RESOURCES NEEDED: Google Forms Google Meet Cooperation partners Schools to work with us Kids to fill out the survey Parents to fill out the survey Teachers to fill out the survey R for data analysis Paper for physical surveys if needed


- Drafting accompanying letters for parents, teachers, and children

- Improving survey methodologies

- Engaging in communication with lecturers through Manu

- Develop engaging educational materials for children on responsible smartphone and social media use

- After the study: Organize interactive workshops for children to discuss the impact of digital media on their lives

- Conduct focus groups with children to gather firsthand insights on their digital experiences

- After analyzing the results of the study: Create a series of informative events for parents addressing digital literacy and online safety

- Implement a feedback system for parents to share observations about their children's media use

- After the study: Launch a pilot program in select schools to test new educational approaches with children

- Develop a parent-teacher collaboration framework to monitor and support children's digital habits


- Children develop a deeper understanding of the digital world, including critical thinking skills to navigate social media responsibly

- Increased awareness among children and parents about online risks, leading to safer internet habits and reduced exposure to cyber threats

- Develop a culture of open dialogue about digital experiences, fostering mutual understanding and support

- Long-term reduction in negative online behaviors among children, such as cyberbullying, oversharing, and exposure to inappropriate content


- Reduction in average daily screen time, measured in hours.

- Percentage decrease in behaviors like excessive use during breaks or class time, neglecting tasks, and irritability

- Percentage of parents better informed about their children's social media activities

- Frequency of conversations about safe internet behavior, measured in discussions per week/month

- Number of schools and families implementing specific social media usage rules

- Number of survey participants and their response rate in percentage

- Number of feedbacks and suggestions received for improving digital education


- Director of Education

- Expert consultants, including psychiatrists and the Lucerne police

- Funding sources such as local municipalities, the cantonal government, and banks in Lucerne

- Organizations like ProJuventute, Akzent Luzern for prevention and addiction therapy, and #NetzCourage

- Digital Kidz

- The digitalswitzerland Foundation