
Ottawa Against Corona

Problem Statement

In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak in Ottawa, as our city headed into lockdown, the Ottawa Hub reflected on how we can protect the most vulnerable in our community and provide immediate assistance and relief.

Target Audience

Ottawa residents that need assistance or services during the Covid-19 pandemic. Local non-profit organizations that need volunteers to deliver services and assistance to vulnerable Ottawa residents affected by the Covid pandemic.


Proposed Solution

The Global Shapers Ottawa Hub partnered with local organizations and charities to identify and respond to current and emerging needs in our community through the Ottawa Against Corona project. For example, the Hub partnered with a local crisis relief team (Operation Ramzieh) and the Adoption Council of Canada (ACC) to deliver meals and masks to 20 youth who recently aged out of the foster care system.


Hub Activities

  • Showcased “unsung heroes” improving the community, including local businesses, community activists and leaders that have contributed in fostering community amid COVID-19;

  • Launched a campaign to combat racism and discrimination towards people of Asian heritage, shedding light on COVID-19 impacts and Asian Heritage Month;

  • Developed a guide of local COVID-19 resources to improve information sharing with our network; Featured in national media and local radio.

  • Facilitated strategic connections between community stakeholders to amplify social impact.

  • Recruited and onboarded over 83 volunteers in our roster.

Short-Term Project Outcomes

  • To streamline and complement existing ad-hoc volunteer initiatives and groups by identifying the biggest gaps to fill, while providing recommended volunteer hygiene guidelines to avoid spreading the virus. 

  • Reached out to over 30 community organizations to identify specific needs of constituents and provided approximately 60 community services.

  • Launched the #UnsungHeroes multi-media storytelling series to interview frontline workers in the fight against COVID-19. Our content has reached over 10,000 people and counting. So far, we have shared seven stories, ranging from representatives of local and national charities (such as Cornerstone Housing for Women), frontline workers, and senior diplomatic officials. 

Long-term Project Outcomes

  • Leveraged network created through OAC (over 83 volunteers and over 10 community organizations) to stay involved in Ottawa Hub’s upcoming project volunteer and collaboration opportunities.

  • “Unsung heroes” communications strategy has future applications for community spotlights outside of COVID-19. The momentum created through this campaign has long term potential for digital civic engagement.

Avaliable Metrics

  • Number of Shapers participated in Project:15

  • Number of people benefitted:60