
Pacto por la Educación

Colombia is one of the most unequal countries in Latin America and is facing a historical post-conflict reconciliation process. The quality of education is poor and heterogeneous; Columbia was ranked 59 out of 64 countries in PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) in 2012 and second to last in Latin America. But young Colombians without political affiliation are proposing a national pact for education; they are trying to change the difficult situation of education in Colombia. "The Pact for Education" intends to convince Colombians of the importance of education to building sustainable peace, to offering opportunities to poor people in an unequal society and to creating a knowledge-based economy capable of competing with the most developed countries.

The Bogota Hub is joining multiple youth-stakeholders to ensure accountability from national and local governments on their performance in improving education and following the pact´s recommendations. The hub actively invites all Shapers around the globe to support this movement in Colombia. A Country in peace needs better education.