
Pak Ping

Problem Statement:

CONTEXT: With the rising cases of COVID-19 in Thailand, hospitals in Bangkok are already at maximum capacity. One coping mechanism recently issued by the state is to implement the home isolation idea, whereby mildly symptomatic coronavirus cases patients are to self isolate to free up hospital beds for cases with more critical conditions.


PROBLEM: However, for a large majority of the population who live in densely crowded homes and communities, are not privileged with the access to self-isolating (living with 7 family members in a small 3-room house). The situation puts households and community members at risk of family transmission, contributing to the growing number of the nation’s infection rate. 


Target Group:

DIRECT TARGET: community isolation centers in the greater Bangkok area to support and facilitate the set up of 7 COVID-19 community isolation centers in the greater Bangkok area that are ready to launch (have established a hospital partnership), but lack the essential equipment and items to fully operate.


INDIRECT BENEFICIARY: To help provide voluntary isolation for “green” COVID-19 patients (mildly symptomatic coronavirus cases) from densely crowded communities per district. 


Proposed Solution:

To accelerate the setup and assist operations of these centers in Bangkok can reduce household transmission to help control the spread of COVID-19. Global Shapers Bangkok helped to fundraise and purchase essential equipment needed to open up more community isolation centers in the outskirts of Bangkok. 


Rationale: By separating COVID-19 patients with mild to moderate symptoms from their crowded communities to prevent the spread of the disease to other household members or members within the community. These centers can reduce household transmission and reserve health facility resources for more seriously ill patients.



The activity was to launch a fundraising campaign (3 week) and promote through GSBKK social media with the help of celebrities and organic campaign awareness as well as through a press release on media (Thai enquirer, The Standard, Yuvhabadhana Foundation, Khon Thai Foundation, Brand Think, Thai PBS, BK mag). Posting in community network, such as; TU marketplace, Chula Marketplace

Post campaign: to purchase essential equipment and items with the donations raised - for the identified 7 COVID-19 community isolation center in Bangkok in Greater Bangkok.

Short-term Goal/Results:

A total of 715,172 THB of funds were raised within a period of 3 weeks, from organic donation through Global Shapers Network and Partner Corporations. The funds were used to purchase necessary equipment and care packages for patients. The objectives were to:

1) Speed up the opening of 7 Community Isolation centers in Bangkok’s vulnerable districts, so they can be ready to accommodate patients.

2) Improve patients’ living condition and reduce healthcare personnel’s infection risk within CI.


Long-term Change:

Moving forward, we hope to develop a network of Community Isolation Centers across different districts to learn real-time about their needs and able to supply timely and accurately. Nevertheless, at this point in time, the project was planned and executed as a quick response to help support local communities.


Available Metrics:

The Pak Ping initiative - hatched to accelerate the launch of makeshift Community Isolation Centers (CICs) for COVID-19 patients - raised THB 715,172 (ca. USD 21,460) within 1 week — 139% well-above target donation of THB 300,000. With the amount gathered, the project was able to procure 21 oxygen concentrators, 15 pulse oximeters, 125 PPE suits, 2,000 FFP2 masks and 6,000 warm meals to 27 CICs in Bangkok, impacting the lives of more than 10,000 people (patients and professionals) within those CICs.


- Total fund raised: THB 715,172 

- Total Community Isolation centers supported: 7

- Total Patients supported: 400+ patients

- Total project reach across all channels: 200,000 people

- Total volunteers: 10 people