
Personal Branding on LinkedIn

Problem Statement: On LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network, 8 people get hired every minute (Source: LinkedIn). When searching “jobs in Bahrain” there are 937 opportunities as of September, 2023. This shows the platform’s huge potential for finding jobs and career progression. However, not all university students, fresh graduates and young professionals use LinkedIn or have an optimized profile, making them miss out on potential opportunities.

Proposed Solution: Deliver a workshop for personal branding on LinkedIn, to help university students, fresh graduates and young professionals optimize their online presence, establish their personal brand and grow their network.

Hub Activities: The training material was developed in collaboration with Noor Coaching, a coaching, consulting, and training company with a focus on performance and careers. The session covered an overview of personal branding, the importance of LinkedIn and how to optimize LinkedIn profile and presence.

Short / Long Term Results: Attendees of the workshop were highly engaged and interested, and learned practical tips on how to improve their LinkedIn profile and activity. This will strengthen their personal brand and improve their access to career opportunities.

Available Metrics: 21 people have attended the workshop and received positive feedback. For example, the attendees feedback included “Excellent presentation and highly recommended to everyone. A lot of key takeaways” and “had a good session and gained new knowledge about the app.”


  • Noor Coaching, a coaching, consulting, and training company with a focus on performance and careers.

  • Hope Talents, a talent management entity, which seeks to upskill talent.