
Plastic Free Lagos Hackathon

Lagos is drowning in plastic waste with over 870,000 tonnes of plastic waste generated annually. From overflowing landfills to choked waterways, plastic pollution poses a significant threat to our city's environment and public health. The Lagos Hub is looking to implement a Plastic Free Lagos Hackathon, a project aimed at engaging and encouraging young people to develop and implement scalable innovative solutions to address plastic waste challenges in Lagos. Our target audience are young people - innovators, sustainability entrepreneurs, and students, because we believe that young people can bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to tackle complex problems such as this and this project presents an opportunity to encourage youth engagement in environmental protection. The hub will implement a one day hackathon to bring together talented people to create sustainable solutions that can make real impact in addressing the massive plastic pollution challenge. The solutions will be judged on criteria such as innovation, feasibility, scalability and sustainability and winning solutions will be supported with cash incentives and resources such as coaching and publicity. Our key short-term expected outcomes include developing at least 5 sustainable solutions to plastic waste and empowering at least 3 young people/sustainability entrepreneurs to develop and implement their solutions. Our long-term outcomes include the implementation of at least 3 of the developed solutions and a culture/behaviour change towards plastic waste generation and sustainability.