
Poland - the homeland of tolerance

One of the major challenges for the Global Shapers community is migration, that is why the Global Shapers Warsaw Hub has chosen to create IMPACT in this field. Migration is key a key topic that will define the World of tomorrow, and both as Shapers and Poles we are concerned about it.

The Global Shapers Warsaw Hub wants to remind Poland that less than a century ago it was one of the most multicultural countries in Europe. Around a third of citizens in early XX century were of non-Polish descent. The Jews, Ukrainians, Germans, Tatars, Belarussians – regardless of their faith found shelter and co-lived in Poland.

The Hub is therefore organizing a nation-wide social campaign dedicated to tolerance, topped off with an exhibition at the Polish Parliament, Warsaw City Council and a number of other key places. The exhibition will combine the past with the present, highlighting the positive impact the immigrants had historically and today, on the polish society, science, culture, economy and politics. The campaign aims at building bridges, increasing cross cultural understanding and improving the cohesiveness of the society.